Are you living with a learning disability or a social, physical, or mental health challenge? Do you want to successfully transit to post-secondary education or find meaningful employment?
We’re Here To Help. Our passion is to help you succeed in your future education and employment goals. We help you explore career and education options, set goals, and create a specific plan to achieve them.

North Shore Inclusive
Employment ​Network
Resources for job seekers, transitioning students, and employers on the North Shore.
The Supported Employment program is person-centred and focuses on the interests of the job seeker
Stephen works at Bur-Han Garden and Lawn Care Landscapers where his responsibilities vary from raking and weeding to hedge trimming and ensuring that all of the equipment is working properly. Of all his daily tasks, he most enjoys trimming the hedges. Stephen says, “You have to pay attention … if you accidently cut something wrong, it takes a lot of work to fix it. It’s challenging.”

Thriving with BodyCo Fitness
BodyCo Fitness has been home to the finest Personal Trainers on the North Shore for over 21 years, making it the North Shore’s first Premier Personal Training facility. This community driven, all-inclusive club takes pride in their “fun focused approach to fitness” where all individuals of any fitness level are welcome. But during this global pandemic one might ask, how exactly does such a busy gym maintain absolute cleanliness?

White Spot delivers inclusive student work experience
White Spot delivers inclusive student work experience NVSD Inclusive Education student Elina learns some culinary skills from White Spot prep cook Parminder Purewal.
The bright red tomato elicits a smile from Elina as it lands in her palm. She wears the part of a professional prep cook well, and with pride. Elina embraces her role during a choreographed lunch-rush dance inside the White Spot kitchen.

Contact Email: nsinclusiveemployment2021@gmail.com